Monday, November 15, 2010

Stuck on Design

As I was closing up at work for the night, I realized that an issue that had arisen today could possibly lead to similar issues tomorrow.  To avoid further problems, I hastily scribbled a note for my fellow coworkers to read the next morning so they would not be caught unawares.  Fearing the note would fall prey to unstoppable forces like a gust of wind or accidentally be regarded as trash, I was then forced to acquire some adhesive to secure the note and ensure that neither of these circumstances would occur.  It was then that I wished wholeheartedly for a pad of post-it notes.
The post-it note, most commonly a 3 x 3 inch square pad of canary yellow paper, can almost always be found on a persons desk, within a school bag, or randomly tacked to any surface whatsoever.  But what is it that makes the post-it note so popular?  
Is it safe to use? 
The post-it note is extremely safe to use.  They are lightweight pads of paper.  If one were to fall upon your foot, the only injury done to your person would be a bout of annoyance.  Outside of the occasional paper cut, these precut little squares don't hold much of a threat.  
Are they comfortable?
Generally, the standard post-it pad is 3x3 inches in size.  This is a particularly ergonomic design as it fits easily into the human hand.  When in hand, a post-it pad can be comfortably gripped along three of its four sides without causing any undue stress.  As stated earlier, it is lightweight and easily portable so lifting the item would not be considered strenuous activity.
Is it easy to use?  
This simple little pad of paper is surprisingly easy to use.  One simply has to write upon it, lift the edge of the top sheet, peel the note off the stack and post it wherever he or she desires.  The only complication I have ever come across when using this item is not knowing which side of the pad is the top (the top being the portion of the pad with adhesive on the underside).   There have been several times when I have written a note and discovered that said note, when pulled away to be posted, is upside down.  Still, this is a lapse in the person's use of the product, and not so much the product itself.  However, if the top of the post-it or the adhesive edge were to be a different color or printed with a small mark signifying its usable orientation, this problem could be solved.
How does the Post-it rank in terms of performance?
It is absolutely genius.  The post it note can be used anywhere and for multiple reasons.  These sticky little squares enable a person to make notes and post them on or beside almost any surface.  The typical 3x3 size forces a person to be straightforward and to the point with the note or message as limited writing space is available.  However, what makes the post it so amazing is the low tack adhesive on the backside of each note.  The low tack enables the note to stick upon most surfaces, but allows for it to be easily removed.  This temporary adhesive is a quick fix to paper and tape, and leaves no residue behind.  It is quick, clean, and convenient.   It's small size allows for easy storage, and light weight for easy travel.  The post-it can go anywhere with its user.  
Is it aesthetically pleasing?
As simple as it is, I find the post-it note to be very pleasing to look at. The post-it note typically comes in a soft canary yellow color.  This color, while being vibrant enough to catch the eye, is not so saturated or bright that it strains ones ocular nerves.  Even with its new expanse of colors, the post it note is small enough in size that even its fluorescent pads cannot be considered an eyesore.  In fact, some of the newer post-its and their vibrant colors have been found today as the base materials in beautiful works of art.  What can I say?  Some designs come and go, but as for the post-it note... well, they just stick.

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